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To make the most out of your firearms training, I advise the following tips.
Our Self-Defense Warrior Basic Pistol class is designed for beginner shooters and those persons unfamiliar with gun.
See our “Developing a Personal and Home Defense Plan” class.
Dress comfortable and wear flat closed toe shoes. No tank tops or similar shirts (guns eject hot brass when fired.)
Proper storage prevents unauthorized use or theft of firearms and ammunition, or damage.
The only way to fail the class is to intentionally violate one of the firearms safety rules and act in a reckless manner. Safety is of utmost importance in a firearms class and any deliberate or any repeated safety violation will result in the student’s immediate dismissal from the class and gun range.
Usually costs for classes varies based on class type, class level and class length.
A proficient concealed carry class requires some type of gun safety training that includes not only concealed carry and use of force laws, but lawful self-defense strategies and how to deal with the aftermath of a deadly force encounter.
Consider getting a license in order to benefit from concealed carry reciprocity in other states.
Self-defense Knowledge and Skills are perishable, you need regular Refreshers.
You need to know the laws and rules governing "use of force", "use of reasonable force", and "use deadly force. "
Don't just think you know use of force laws — know them!! A prosecutor would be happy to pad his or her resume with your conviction.
If you fail to act in a reasonable and justifiable manner, you will more than likely face charges up to and including murder.
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